Gogoro 宣布與 Cycle & Carriage 達成新加坡獨家銷售合作 Gogoro 電動機車今年第四季正式開售

[ 2024 / 7 / 18 – 台北 ] 全球電池交換生態系技術領導者 Gogoro(那斯達克股票代碼:GGR)宣布獲得在新加坡推出電池交換系統和智慧電動機車的許可,將由新加坡的獨家經銷商 Cycle & Carriage 2-Wheeler Pte. Ltd. (Cycle & Carriage) 於今年第四季開始營運電池交換系統並銷售智慧電動機車。 此外,Cycle & Carriage 攜手殼牌旗下電動車充電部門 Shell Recharge,將於新加坡的殼牌加油站建置 GoStation 電池交換站。

Gogoro 創辦人暨執行長陸學森表示:「經過與新加坡陸路交通管理局(LTA)的密切合作,很高興宣布 Gogoro 正式取得新加坡當局的商轉許可,證明 Gogoro 電池交換系統是安全、智慧、可靠且永續的解決方案。這個里程碑建立在 Gogoro、Cycle & Carriage 與 foodpanda 試點計畫取得巨大成功的基礎上,我們期待能夠很快將測試成果應用到商業營運中,讓更多消費者享受環保便利的電動化運具。」

Cycle & Carriage 新加坡董事總經理 Wilfrid Foo 表示:「在新加坡,電池交換與電動機車仍處於初期發展階段,我們與 Gogoro 的合作將加速推進產業成長。透過試點計畫,我們蒐集了許多 foodpanda 平台外送夥伴的正面評價與寶貴數據,對於商轉非常有信心,這將是相當適合新加坡的綠色交通方案。」

Gogoro 與 Cycle & Carriage 於 2023 年 3 月宣布與外送平台 foodpanda 合作,搶先在新加坡展開 Gogoro 智慧電動機車和電池交換平台試點計畫,預計將於今年 9 月完成。截至目前為止,許多外送夥伴的使用滿意度非常高,特別是好騎、不會燙、無噪音、無震動、換電速度快。

外送夥伴也對 Cycle & Carriage 提供的租賃方案和售後服務感到滿意。每位外送夥伴平均每月騎乘約 2,200 公里,每天進行最多兩次電池交換,每次換電後最多可行駛 100 公里。

Cycle & Carriage 同時宣布與殼牌旗下電動車充電部門 Shell Recharge 合作,在新加坡的殼牌加油站建置 GoStation 電池交換站,首站預計於今年 8 月落成,並將在兩年內持續增加站點。Cycle & Carriage 也將於今年第四季在新加坡陸續推出三款 Gogoro 智慧電動機車,包括 Gogoro SuperSport、Gogoro Premium 以及 Gogoro VIVA MIX。



Forward Looking Statements

This communication contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward-looking statements generally relate to future events or Gogoro's future performance. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates,” “going to,” "could," "intends," "target," "projects," "contemplates," "believes," "estimates," "predicts," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions that concern Gogoro's expectations, strategy, priorities, plans or intentions. Forward-looking statements in this communication include, but are not limited to, statements about the potential partnership that Gogoro may be able to establish with Sumitomo Corporation and SMFL, including statements made by Gogoro's founder, chairman, and chief executive officer and Gogoro's chief financial officer.

Gogoro’s expectations and beliefs regarding these matters may not materialize, and actual results in future periods are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expected as of the date hereof, including risks related to the parties’ potential failure to enter into a legal binding and definitive agreement with respect to the partnership, the success of such partnership, the parties’ ability to achieve their respective goals as mentioned above under such partnership and the parties’ ability to achieve such goals in a timely manner. The forward looking statements contained in this communication are also subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those more fully described in Gogoro's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including in Gogoro’s Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, which was filed on March 29, 2024 and in its subsequent filings with the SEC, copies of which are available on the SEC's website at www.sec.gov. The forward-looking statements in this communication are based on information available to Gogoro as of the date hereof, and Gogoro disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by law.


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