Gogoro 與 MG 集團子公司 Nebula Energy 擴大合作版圖,Pulse、JEGO、CrossOver 預計 10 月於尼泊爾正式開賣,首波 45 座電池交換站進駐加德滿都,助力永續交通轉型。

[ 2024 / 8 / 28 – 台北 ] 全球電池交換生態系技術領導者 Gogoro(那斯達克股票代碼:GGR)與 MG 集團子公司 Nebula Energy 合作將再擴大,雙方繼今年 4 月於尼泊爾首都加德滿都成功展開 B2B 試點計畫後,今(28 日)宣佈預計於今年 10 月正式營運電池交換系統,並開賣 Gogoro  Pulse、Gogoro JEGO 及 Gogoro CrossOver GX250 等 3 款電動機車。Nebula Energy 首波將建置 45 座 GoStation 電池交換站,並計劃未來實現當地 GoStation 數量超越加油站數量。

Gogoro 創辦人暨執行長陸學森表示:「尼泊爾在永續能源的生產與應用居於領先地位,且提供各項重要的激勵措施,積極推廣電動機車的普及。此次,Gogoro 與 Nebula Energy 攜手在加德滿都發表 Gogoro 電池交換系統與智慧電動機車,並計劃未來電池交換站數量超過當地的加油站。我們很榮幸能夠參與尼泊爾永續交通轉型,並期待最新的 Gogoro Pulse 和 Gogoro JEGO 電動機車馳騁在加德滿都的街道巷弄。」

Nebula Energy 董事長 Manoj Goyal 表示:「透過 Gogoro 的永續交通應用與科技創新,Nebula Energy 將致力於推動尼泊爾實現淨零願景。」Nebula Energy 董事總經理 Sahayu Goyal 則指出:「電動機車普及需要強大的技術支持,Gogoro 電池交換生態系統與電動機車正是一個卓越的解決方案,為當地消費者提供更多元豐富的移動選擇。」

Nebula Energy 將於今年 9 月在加德滿都開設首間 Gogoro 展示中心,並向當地消費者開放試騎,同步啟動預購活動,預計 10 月份開始正式交車。另外,Nebula Energy 首波計劃建置 45 座 GoStation 電池交換站,確保每 2 至 3 公里就有一站,將設置於加油站、超市、購物中心等經濟與交通熱區,深入當地大眾日常生活圈。



Forward Looking Statements

This communication contains forward looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Forward looking statements generally relate to future events or Gogoro’s future financial or operating performance. In some cases, you can identify forward looking statements because they contain words such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “going to,” “could,” “intends,” “target,” “projects,” “contemplates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “predicts,” “potential” or “continue” or the negative of these words or other similar terms or expressions that concern Gogoro’s expectations, strategy, priorities, plans or intentions. Forward-looking statements in this communication include, but are not limited to, the business between Gogoro, Nebula and Nebula Energy, including the ability of such partnership to achieve its goals and projections of market opportunity, the potential timeline for the launch of Gogoro’s products and services, the potential growth in Nepal, the capability of Gogoro’s technology, business plans and statements by Gogoro's founder and chief executive officer, Nebula’s Managing Director and Nebula Energy’s Chairman. Gogoro’s expectations and beliefs regarding these matters may not materialize, and actual results in future periods are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected, including risks related to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, risks related to macroeconomic factors including inflation and consumer or customer confidence, risks related to political tensions, Gogoro’s ability to effectively manage its growth, Gogoro’s ability to launch and ramp up the production of its products and control its manufacturing costs and manage its supply chain issues, Gogoro’s risks related to ability to expand its sales and marketing abilities, Gogoro’s ability to expand effectively into new markets, foreign exchange fluctuations, Gogoro’s ability to develop and maintain relationships with its partners, risks associated with formalizing the partnership, including reaching any definitive agreement, if necessary, for the partnership, risks related to operating in the Nepal, regulatory risks and Gogoro’s risks related to strategic collaborations, risks related to the Nepal market and other international markets or alliances including Gogoro’s ability to enter into and execute its plans related to strategic collaborations or alliances in order for such strategic collaborations or alliances to be successful and generate revenue..  The forward looking statements contained in this communication are also subject to other risks and uncertainties, including those more fully described in Gogoro’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”),  including in Gogoro’s Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2021, which was filed on May 2, 2022 and in its subsequent filings with the SEC, copies of which are available on our website and on the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. All information contained in this communication is based on information available to Gogoro as of the date hereof, and Gogoro disclaims any obligation to update any such information, except as required by law.

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